Freaky | Nitro Equine Ltd
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15.2hh 158cm

7yo black pinto
Ngati gelding

Bred by Tony Holden, Ruatoria


Striking black and white coloured gelding in good nick and fit.


Athletic and forward horse, told he is a go all day type. They already tested his jumping ability before he arrived... over a couple of logs, fences and yards to 'see if he jumps' got an affirmative !


Freaky has been used for pig hunting, as a farm/shepherd's horse on a station. Has a good walk on him, is sure-footed and good with machinery and dogs. Quiet in nature, is a little aloof as he hasnt had much affection (but if definitely open to it). Good to catch, float, groom tack up.


We will put him through his paces and start schooling on the flat and over jumps as well as tallyho hunting, hacking on road, beach and new situations we will also take him to a low level show.


He has settled in well here even with dogs, kids, bikes, pig, colourful poles and lots going on. Fine to paddock alone or with others - keeps to himself.


Trucks and floats. Been told he has no vices and no dirt. He has one scar on his near hind fetlock that doesn't affect his movement or ability that we can see. Pre-Purchase vet inspection welcomed.


Located in Wanganui

Viewings by appointment or video call.

For more information

Phone 021930950

Price is plus GST (if any)

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